Friday 15 November 2019 | Online Office Setup | Key

                    Set up Office for iOS

Tap any Office app like Word to launch it.
Sign in with your Microsoft Account or Office 365 work or school account and tap Next.
Note: If you don’t have a Microsoft Account, you can create one for free using any email address you already have.
Choose Sign in
If you sign in with a Microsoft account that’s associated with Office 2016 or Office 2019, you may get the option to upgrade to Office 365. Follow the instructions to purchase a plan, or select May be later if you want to use the apps without a subscription.
Note that you get extra features if you use an Office 365 subscription.
Enter your account password
Tap Yes or No to help us improve your Office mobile experience.
Tap Turn on Notifications to enable alerts or Not Now to opt out.
Turn on notifications
Tap Create and Edit to start working on your documents.
Tip: After you sign in, your account is automatically added to the other Office apps installed on your iOS device.
Tap Create and Edit to begin using the app.
To add another account or cloud service, like OneDrive or Dropbox, tap Open > Add a Place.
OneNote Settings icon
If you’re using OneNote, tap Settings  > Accounts.
Add a Place screen
Choose the cloud service that you want to add.
Choose the cloud service you want to add.
Enter the email address and password that you use to sign into that service.
More info :

Wednesday 2 October 2019

How To Delete A YouTube Video? –

Deleting a video from YouTube channel can be done quickly. You can delete them permanently or else hide them from the public. Go through this blog carefully for knowing the steps to do the same.
  1. The method of deleting a YouTube video on PC
  2. Firstly, view the web browser.
  3. Then, go to YouTube.
  4. After that, choose log-in. It shall be towards the above at the right-hand side corner of the display.
  5. Next, put your Google ID information.
  6. Then, choose the Google Account symbol. It shall be towards the above at the right corner.
  7. After that, whenever the pull-down menu gets displayed, choose YouTube Studio.
  8. Then, choose Videos. It shall be placed towards the left-hand menu pane.
  9. After that, move the mouse cursor to the video that you want to remove.
  10. Next, choose the three vertically aligned dots.
  11. Then, press on Delete.
  12. After that, put a tick on the checkbox that has been displayed on the screen for giving the confirmation for deletion activity.
  13. Lastly, choose Delete Video for completing the procedure.
  14. The method of removing a video of YouTube by the help of phone application
  15. Firstly, you go to the YouTube application.
  16. Then, sign in to the Google ID, if required.
  17. After that, press on the Library. It shall be towards the end at the right-hand side of the display.
  18. Next, click on My Videos.
  19. Then, click on the three vertical dots. It shall be after the video that you want to remove.
  20. After that, press on Delete.
  21. Next, press OK for completing the procedure.
  22. The method of hiding videos by the Android or iOS YouTube application
  23. Firstly, go to the display having a list of the earlier uploaded YouTube videos.
  24. Then, press on the three vertical dots. It shall be after the videos that you want to hide.
  25. As soon as the popup menu gets displayed on the screen, press on Edit option.
  26. Next, click on the option present in the Privacy part.
  27. Lastly, for hiding the video from anyone except yourself, press on Private. And for hiding the video from anyone leaving those who the video’s straight link, click Unlisted.
  28. The method of hiding videos by browser 
  29. Firstly, go to the display having a list of earlier uploaded YouTube videos.
  30. Then, choose the option present in the Visibility column.
  31. After that, three options shall get displayed on the screen.
  32. Next, for hiding the video from anyone but yourself, choose Private. For hiding the video from everyone except audience who are having the video’s straight link or complete URL, choose Unlisted.
Kellie Minton is a qualified IT engineer by education. After working in the IT sector for a decade, she began writing about it two years ago. She loves to write about emerging technology like
More Information : 

Monday 30 September 2019

Now you can insert Icons in your Office documents - – Making your document has become a lot easier with this new feature.

We all have come across the problem of how to make the document look better and good, it is not just you but everyone wants to make their document look good and beautiful. Some choose to use the colors and some put images in the document to look better. It is not just about the document but the presentation or the excel sheet can now look way better than it has ever looked before. Microsoft has finally put together a function that pulls up a tab with the icons that you can insert in your documents. This is one of the newest features in the Microsoft Platform. Microsoft has put in a lot of effort to make the office a better place for everyone who uses it.
The new insertable icons can now be put into the document and do not need any plugin or anything that might get you irritated. This feature will let you make your documents more relevant and unique. Using this feature is as simple as it can be. It is really easy, you just need to click on the icon button and then select the icon of your choice and you are good to go. Microsoft has also introduced a new feature lately, they have put in AI in the Office Systems that reads the way you work and adapts to your language and the way of writing and finally makes it easy for you to work in future.
It is not that hard to find anything on the office and the icons are really easy to find too. this is one of the main functions after the latest update that has really impressed the users of the Office. Office being among the leaders in the productivity market have to keep their par up and always have to maintain the introduction of the new features so that they can finally reach on the top and stay there for quite a while.
The office is really easy to set up, you can also set up an office on your computer so that you can check this cool new feature, You just need to visit or to get started with the official installation and set up.

Sunday 29 September 2019

How to Disable Office Setup Background Task Handler -

Some Microsoft Office users are complaining about a black context menu that is showing and shutting down after a few minutes. The context menu occurs due to a background executable software which is known as Office Background Task Handler. If you are getting annoyed with the pop up, then this article will help you to disable Office background Task Handler.
Here’s how to disable Office background task handler
·  Updating Microsoft Office
  • Go to the Office app such as the Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
  • Press on the File option.
  • Choose the Account option.
  • Below the Office Update option, you need to check whether an automatic update is turned on or not.
  • You need to turn off the automatic update, press on the Update Options button.
  • After that, choose the “Enable Updates” option.
  • After the User Account Control is shows on the screen, press on the Yes button.
  • Press on the Update options button once again.
  • Choose the Update Now option.
  • Now, the downloading and installing process of the Microsoft update starts automatically.
  • Start the system again.
  • You need to check whether there is any development or not.
·  Execute Office background Task handler as an admin
  1. Launch the File Explorer menu.
  2. Go to the below-mentioned directory:
C:-> Program Files (x86) -> Microsoft Office -> root
  • Click twice on the Office16 file to launch it.
  • You need to right-click on the officebackgroundtaskhandler.exe.
  • Choose the Properties option.
  • By going to the Properties menu, press on the Compatibility option.
  • Go through the “Run this program as an administrator” option.
  • Press on the Apply option.
  • Press on the OK button.
  • This procedure will save all the changes you have done.
·  Turn off the Office background Task Handler from your Task Scheduler
  1. Click on the Windows key and R key.
  2. It will launch the Run pop-up menu.
  3. Enter taskschd.msc in the search bar.
  4. Click on the Enter option.
  5. It will launch the Task Scheduler menu.
  6. Press on the Task Schedule Local option.
  7. Enlarge the Task Scheduler Library option.
  8. You just need to press on the greater than symbol showing on the screen.
  9. Choose the Microsoft file.
  10. Enlarge the Microsoft file.
  11. Press on the Office file and search for it
  1. You need to right-click on the OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration section.
  2. Choose the Disable option.
  3. It will hide the task handler.
  4. Now, you will not get the context menu when you use the computer.
  5. You will go back to the context menu in case you install the Microsoft Office latest version.
  6. You need to follow the same steps to turn off the task once again.
Billy Mark is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Microsoft products at
More Information :

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Why banks are adopting a modern approach to cybersecurity—the Zero Trust model -

Many banks today still rely on a “castle-and-moat” approach—also known as “perimeter security”—to protect data from malicious attacks. Like medieval castles protected by stone walls, moats, and gates, banks that use perimeter security invest heavily in fortifying their network perimeters with firewalls, proxy servers, honeypots, and other intrusion prevention tools. Perimeter security guards the entry and exit points to the network by verifying the data packets and identity of users that enter and leave the organization’s network, and then assumes that activity inside the hardened perimeter is relatively safe.
Savvy financial institutions are now moving beyond this paradigm and employing a modern approach to cybersecurity—the Zero Trust model. The central tenet of a Zero Trust model is to trust no one—internal or external—by default and require strict verification of every person or device before granting access.
The castle’s perimeters continue to be important, but instead of just pouring more and more investment into stronger walls and wider moats, a Zero Trust model takes a more nuanced approach of managing access to the identities, data, and devices within the proverbial castle. So, whether an insider acts maliciously or carelessly, or veiled attackers make it through the castle walls, automatic access to data is not a given.

Limitations of a castle-and-moat approach

When it comes to safeguarding today’s enterprise digital estate, the castle-and-moat approach has critical limitations because the advent of cyberthreats has changed what it means to ward and protect. Large organizations, including banks, deal with dispersed networks of data and applications accessed by employees, customers, and partners onsite or online. This makes protecting the castle’s perimeters more difficult. And even if the moat is effective in keeping enemies out, it doesn’t do much for users with compromised identities or other insider threats that lurk within the castle walls.
The practices below are all sources of exposure and are common in banks that rely on a castle-and-moat approach to security:
    • A single annual review of staff access rights to applications.
    • Ambiguous and inconsistent access rights policies dependent on manager discretion and insufficient governance when staff moves occur.
    • Overuse of administrative privileged accounts by IT.
    • Customer data stored in multiple file shares and little idea who has access to it.
    • Overreliance on passwords to authenticate users.
    • Lack of data classification and reporting to understand what data is where.
    • Frequent use of USB flash drives to transfer files that include highly sensitive data.

How a Zero Trust model empowers bankers and customers

The benefits of a Zero Trust approach have been well documented, and a growing number of real-world examples show that this approach could have prevented sophisticated cyberattacks. However, many banks today still adhere to practices that diverge from Zero Trust principles.
Adopting a Zero Trust model can help banks strengthen their security posture, so they can confidently support initiatives that give employees and customers more flexibility. For example, bank executives would like to untether their customer-facing employees—such as relationship managers and financial advisors—from their desks and meet clients outside bank premises. Today, many financial institutions support this geographic agility with analog tools like paper printouts or static views of their counsel. However, both bank employees and customers have come to expect a more dynamic experience using real-time data.
Banks that rely on a castle-and-moat approach to security are hesitant to disperse data outside the physical network. As such, their bankers and financial advisors can only tap the dynamic models of proven and disciplined investment strategies if their client meetings take place on bank premises.
Historically, it’s been cumbersome for bankers or financial advisors on the go to share real-time model updates or actively collaborate with other bankers or traders, at least not without VPNs. Yet, this agility is an important driver of sound investment decisions and customer satisfaction. A Zero Trust model enables a relationship manager or an analyst to harness insights from market data providers, synthesize with their own models, and dynamically work through different client scenarios whenever and wherever.
The good news is this is a new era of intelligent security—powered by the cloud and Zero Trust architecture—that can streamline and modernize security and compliance for banks.

Microsoft 365 helps transform bank security

With Microsoft 365, banks can make immediate steps towards a Zero Trust security by deploying three key strategies:
    • Identity and authentication—First and foremost, banks need to ensure that users are who they say they are and give access according to their roles. With Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), banks can use single sign-on (SSO) to enable authenticated users to connect to apps from anywhere, enabling mobile employees to access resources securely without compromising their productivity.
Banks can also deploy strong authentication methods such as two-factor or passwordless Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), which can reduce the risk of a breach by 99.9 percent. Microsoft Authenticator supports push notifications, one-time passcodes, and biometrics for any Azure AD connected app.
For Windows devices, bank employees can use Windows Hello, a secure and convenient facial recognition feature to sign in to devices. Finally, banks can use Azure AD Conditional Access to protect resources from suspicious requests by applying the appropriate access policies. Microsoft Intune and Azure AD work together to help make sure only managed and compliant devices can access Office 365 services including email and on-premises apps. Through Intune, you can also evaluate the compliance status of devices. The conditional access policy is enforced depending on the compliance status of the device at the time that the user tries to access data.

Conditional access illustration.
    • Threat protection—With Microsoft 365, banks can also bolster their ability to protect, detect, and respond to attacks with Microsoft Threat Protection’s integrated and automated security. It leverages one of the world’s largest threat signals available from the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph and advanced automation powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance incident identification and response, enabling security teams to resolve threats accurately, efficiently, and promptly. The Microsoft 365 security center provides a centralized hub and specialized workspace to manage and take full advantage of Microsoft 365 intelligent security solutions for identity and access management, threat protection, information protection, and security management.

The Microsoft 365 security center.
    • Information protection—While identity and devices are the primary vectors of vulnerability for cyberattacks, data is what cybercriminals ultimately want. With Microsoft Information Protection, banks can improve their protection of sensitive information—wherever it lives or travels. Microsoft 365 enables customers to 1) identify and classify their sensitive data; 2) apply flexible protection policies; and 3) monitor and remediate sensitive data at risk.

Example of a classification and protection scenario.

Simplify security management with Zero Trust

Microsoft 365 helps simplify the management of security in a modern Zero Trust architecture, leveraging the visibility, scale, and intelligence necessary to combat cybercrime.
As you consider how to safeguard your modern “castle,” a Zero Trust environment is optimal for modern cybersecurity threats. A Zero Trust environment requires up-to-the-minute oversight of who is accessing what, where, and when—and whether they should even have access.
Microsoft 365 security and compliance capabilities help organizations verify before they trust a user or device. Microsoft 365 also offers a complete teamwork and productivity solution. Altogether, Microsoft 365 provides a comprehensive solution to help bank executives focus on customers and innovation.